Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Morning Meetings

Morning meetings are an important way to start the school day off on the right foot. They merge social, emotional, and intellectual learning and work to establish a classroom environment of respect and trust. The classroom community, fostered by the morning meetings, allows students to feel safe physically and emotionally. Time is taken to recognize and greet each student, providing them with a sense of significance, and belonging.

The positive and caring environment created by the morning meetings, allows children to become risk takers. When students are not afraid to make mistakes, they are willing to try new experiences and more learning can occur.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Reflective Teaching

An essential aspect in teaching is the continual process of reflection. Reflective teaching is a metacognitive strategy that looks at actions in the classroom, the reasons behinds them, and the results. It is a continual process of self-observation and self-evaluation. By gathering information about what happens in the classroom, and by analyzing and evaluating this information, the practices and underlying beliefs and able to be analyzed and explored. The results are constant adjustments and advances in teaching practices, leading towards results that are more effective. When the classroom becomes a laboratory, the teacher is able to expand on teaching theory and improve teaching practice.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Top 10 Benefits of Project Based Learning

Top 10 Benefits of Project Based Learning

Project based learning uses meaningful and extensive student-centered projects as a means to teach and assess.

1. Students take full responsibility for their learning

2. Allows for an inquiry based approach

3. Encourage students to become independent workers

4. Has an active role of transmitting information vs. a passive role

5. Students learn to work in a community, thereby taking on social responsibilities

6. Improves self-esteem

7. Promotes better work habits and attitudes toward learning

8. Supports development of critical thinkers

9. Meets the varied social, emotion, and academic needs of a diverse group

10. Establishes students lifelong learners